Express Diet: Do you want fast or effective results?


By Acupuncture Wu Wei Posted September 12, 2018
"Join the challenge of losing 5 kilos a week without effort and without going hungry"

Therefore, it is easy to see that this is not the way to go. What we should do is learn to improve our eating habits. This turns out to be a much slower process that requires dedication, awareness and perseverance, but it will be a change that will not have an end. In addition, if we carry out a healthy diet we can allow ourselves a 10-20% diet considered "flexible". This means being able to enjoy a meal with family and friends (knowing that you will surely not be eating the healthiest option) without remorse or the need for subsequent blame or compensation.

Meals therefore must be balanced, healthy, attractive, good and satisfying. Regarding physical exercise, we have to practice it daily and we must not forget to perform muscle strength exercises. Remember, however, that you have to be active for a large part of the day, since it is not worth sitting 16 hours a day and even taking one class in the gym for 30-45 minutes, since these minutes do not compensate for the sedentary lifestyle of all day.

Thus, without the two basic pillars (diet and physical exercise) we cannot lose weight in a healthy and effective way in the long term. Therefore, what we want to achieve is a change in habits that favors health and not lose it, and if we need a decrease in our body fat, it must be maintained over time. The best recommendation would therefore be that, with the help of a nutritionist, make a personalized nutritional plan that, above all, will adapt to you and not you to it.

Author: Meritxell Martín Rovira - Wu Wei Acupuncture Dietitian

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Diet, Express Diet, Nutrition
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