4 things you can do to control your hypertension



By Acupuncture Wu Wei Posted June 20, 2018
What is blood pressure?
Blood pressure is the pressure that blood exerts against the walls of blood vessels as it moves through them. When they measure your tension, they give you two numerical values, which are commonly called "the high and the low", and they are the tension systolic and the diastolic.

Systolic pressure is higher because it is the force with which the heart pushes oxygen-rich blood to the extremities and throughout the body. Diastolic pressure is the force with which the heart pushes low-oxygen blood into the lungs, and because they are closer together, it needs less pressure.

What is high blood pressure (HTN)?
Hypertension is a state of continuously high blood pressure. Most of the time there are no symptoms, so the only way to know that the blood pressure is high is by measuring it. Hypertension makes the heart work harder and can damage blood vessels in the long term. Symptoms of a very high blood pressure surge are: dizziness, blurred or double vision, shortness of breath, irregular heart rate, and nosebleeds. If the voltage gets too high, it can cause a serious problem such as a cerebrovascular accident (stroke, embolism), heart attack, heart or kidney failure. Tension tends to increase with age, so to prevent these problems, it is advisable to check your blood pressure periodically from the age of 40 and take care to keep it low.
Causes of hypertension

There are cases of hypertension that are a consequence of kidney disease, hormonal alterations, use of some contraceptives or drugs.

In 90% of cases the cause of high blood pressure is unknown. This type of high blood pressure is called essential hypertension.

Although the cause is unknown, they have seen lifestyle factors that promote hypertension. These are the obesity, smoking, lack of physical exercise and excessive consumption of fatty foods, salt and alcohol.

What can you do to regulate your hypertension?

Especially in hypertensive patients who have already had a stroke, a heart attack, kidney problems or other serious health problems, it is very important to take care of yourself to keep blood pressure low and prevent major ills.

There is medication to regulate blood pressure, but if you are reading this article, you may be interested in doing more than just rely on drugs for the rest of your life. Are you willing or willing to take responsibility and make changes in your lifestyle to be better?
  • Physical exercise
Physical exercise is the best natural way to reduce and regulate blood pressure. Not only does it help you with hypertension, it also helps you with overweight, cholesterol, diabetes, stress, and improves your mood.

If you've already had a stroke or heart attack, you may feel too weak or unable to exercise, but there is always something that can be done. Find a moderate exercise that's right for you. Gymnastics, Tai Chi, Yoga, going for a walk… It may be difficult for you at first, or you want to give up often. You are not going to get in shape overnight. Commit to your practice and you will see how little by little your resistance and vitality will grow. Surround yourself with people who encourage you and don't run away.

  • Change your diet
In hypertension, it is mainly recommended to reduce the consumption of salt, alcohol and foods with fats. For many people, this dietary change is unpleasant because they are substances that provide intensity to the taste and a feeling of satisfaction, and our usual diet without them remains "bland". In fact, we have become accustomed to eating much more salt than we need almost without realizing it, since many processed foods contain high amounts of salt and fat.

We understand that food is the fuel for our body and our mind. Stopping giving it the wrong fuel helps keep you from getting worse. Providing you with the optimal fuel, that gives you satisfaction and the nutrients you need, leads to health. Make an appointment with our nutritionist who can help you in your first steps towards your ideal diet.

  • Give up smoking
Tobacco increases blood pressure, among its many harmful effects on health. It is interesting how the risk factors support each other and how by changing a habit from harmful to positive you favor more positive changes: by quitting smoking, your ability to exercise will improve and your senses of smell and taste improve. You will be able to better enjoy your new healthy diet and your dose of physical exercise.

  • Go to the acupuncturist
Traditional Chinese medicine reads the phenomena of nature and the body according to Yin and Yang. It has many therapeutic tools to help regain energy balance such as acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, auriculotherapy, herbal medicine and energy diet therapy.

Hypertension is understood as an excess of Yang and mainly affects the Heart. In the background there may be Spleen imbalances that generate humidity, Kidney and / or Liver imbalances.

Acupuncture helps reduce and regulate blood pressure without side effects harmful, being able to complement medical treatment and helping you need less medication.

By helping to regulate energy balance, acupuncture also supports lifestyle changes that you are doing: it helps you quit smoking, lose weight, manage stress and improve the condition of your muscles if there is pain or atrophy.

You will need a cycle of personalized sessions, according to your needs from the moment you find yourself. Contact us for a free diagnosis and find out what we can do for you.

Hypertension, Blood Pressure
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