The meat we eat


By Acupuncture Wu Wei Posted February 6, 2018


Are we consuming excessive meat?

After the program "Saved" regarding the meat industry in Spain that aired last Sunday, controversy is served. An uncomfortable situation has been generated and a series of questions ... Is it necessary to have the animals confined and in terrible situations like the ones shown? Is the animal treatment and the humane treatment that the people who work in these facilities receive fair? Can we do something to stop favoring it while we wait (settled) for the government to act?

And there is a real fact: we are approximately 6 billion people in the world and the forecast is that this value will increase in the coming years. Our diet has a direct impact on our health but also on that of the planet and there is no such daily and essential fact as eating daily. Nor have we ever had this wide range of foods so easily within reach, loaded with ultraprocessats and favoring what today is called "obesogenic environment", which promotes a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits. Likewise, the amount of food that is thrown away at all these points of sale, added to what we also do in our homes, favors food waste, one of the other worrisome global problems.

What can we do to improve this situation?

I will repeat it a thousand times if necessary, but our diet should be based mainly on foods of plant origin. In this way, we would avoid excessive consumption of meat and our health would appreciate it, since there are numerous evidences that ensure benefits in reducing the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity or cancer.

But, this means that we should go back vegetarian? That is not my intention, although I do not deny the benefits that this could bring (and that I will speak on another occasion). My goal is that our meat consumption should be more responsible and sustainable if we do not want climate change to continue to increase. Lucía Martínez, in her book vegetarians with science that I highly recommend, indicates that: "Livestock is responsible for greenhouse gas emissions to a greater extent than all transportation mitjans combined. There is nothing." And as he says, the world is not just because of the greedy and supercharged first world or solely about our generation. While we squander resources in an exaggerated way there are millions of people who are starving. And yes, we waste resources so that to obtain a kilo of protein from legumes, approximately one-eighteenth of the land is needed, ten times less water, nine times less fuel, twelve times less fertilizer and ten times less pesticides than for produce a kilo of protein from beef. We should respect the rhythms of nature, in this way, by consuming more protein of vegetable origin it would not be necessary to have to fatten animals at forced rates to satisfy the great demand of the population.

If we made changes in our dietary patterns towards healthier versions, we could drastically reduce the costs associated with public health due to related diseases and the costs associated with lost productivity at work. Therefore, eating properly is no longer just a public health reason, but also an environmental and economic one.

So, do you value yourself enough to improve your health and that of the environment?

Author: Meritxell Martín Rovira, Dietitian-Nutritionist in Acupuncture Wu Wei

If you are interested in coming to make a consultation to improve your diet and your health, contact us at or at

Meat, Bran, Ultraprocessats, Vegetarian

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